Female northern bottlenose whales appear to form a loose network of social partners with no obvious long-term associations.
The pairing family was an uninstitutionalized de facto long-term association of a man and a woman.
Chas is the most prominent one of very few human friends to have survived a long-term association with John.
We are very proud of our long-term association with Coca-Cola.
This regurgitation behavior is carried out among bats maintaining a long-term association with one another.
It is in the 1960s that his long-term association with Gary Burton's various bands began.
Chlamydiae have the ability to establish long-term associations with host cells.
It's not like it is on shipboard where we're in sync with each other, thanks to long-term close association.
She could consider a possible admiral appropriate for any long-term association her daughter might make.
It was then that he launched his long-term association with Greek and international publishing organizations.