And I think it is important to get investor dollars into long-term assets like stocks.
"Slow growth and low inflation around the world are bullish for long-term financial assets, particularly stocks," he said.
His company, he says, is building a long-term asset of considerable value.
The old law deemed as long-term assets those that were held for at least one year and a day.
Capital expenses are business expenses for long-term assets, such as equipment.
"But this guy has got a lot of ability, so we acquired him with the thought that he'd be a long-term asset."
This is the balance sheet in which both inventories and long-term assets are valued at current replacement cost.
Given all this, what - if anything - is Northpoint's long-term asset?
Another is Statement 121, which has to do with hard, long-term assets.
Real estate, for most people, is a long-term asset.