Having groped themselves pleasantly ready to consummate a number of long-standing promises, the two were giggling with total abandon at their fumbling attempts to find a posture that would work in a troika designed for Bears.
I knew without having to ask that he had just broken a long-standing promise to himself.
Soon after, Imriel decides to keep his long-standing promise to Alais and goes to Montrève to select a new puppy for her.
I respect Boeing's right to run its business as it sees fit, but that freedom does not extend to violating long-standing promises and obligations that arise from those commitments.
We understand your anxiety, but wish to emphasize the Peace Authority's long-standing promise.
Officials familiar with the talks have said the agreement will leave South Africa's law intact so long as the government reiterates its long-standing promise to respect international patents.
Iran, meanwhile, would react to any attack on its nuclear facilities by carrying out its long-standing promise to attack Israel, as well as mobilising the scores of sleeper terrorist cells it has stationed throughout the Arab world.
He forced his party, the African National Congress, to abandon its long-standing promise to nationalize South Africa's rich industries.
Paz García was the only one to follow through with a long-standing promise to return Honduras to civilian rule.
Republicans opposed the idea of such a hearing, saying it would be a waste of time, given the Governor's long-standing promise to veto a personal income tax bill in any form.