In the wake of long-standing myths about Mozart, and new perceptions of him created by the 1979 play and 1984 film Amadeus, Landon set out the facts.
There is a long-standing myth that Judas Iscariot hanged himself from a tree of this species.
"The evidence of history simply negates the long-standing myth, propagated since the 18th century primarily by Westerners frustrated by their inability to impose their will on China, of Chinese isolation and isolationism," Waley-Cohen writes.
A long-standing myth that hillside letters were built to identify communities from the air for early pilots who air-dropped mail is untrue.
There were two long-standing myths about the island: that it was rich in gold and that it was filled with Seri cannibals.
In 1835, Jakob Grimm wrote of long-standing similar myths in Germany itself.
This statement was based on long-standing myths that vaccines cause learning difficulties or autism in some children, an idea that the medical profession has worked very hard to dispel.
One of the long-standing myths about modern currency is that it is backed by the U.S. gold supply in Fort Knox.
For instance, they debunk the long-standing myth that the Internet was created as a test to see if computer networks could be designed to survive a nuclear war.
NOTE: Scholarship on Gorham's Rangers frequently perpetuates a long-standing myth that the company was initially made up of Mohawks from New York or Métis from Canada.