There has been a long-standing disagreement between the race's Board of Directors and one of the runners.
Industry watchers say that if Express Quote succeeds, it may ultimately help quiet some long-standing disagreements about the degree of competition in auto insurance.
Hodges had had a long-standing disagreement with the man.
And some long-standing disagreements among them are getting nasty.
This intermediate fossil has helped to resolve a long-standing disagreement regarding whether flight or echolocation developed first in bats.
The background of this action was the long-standing disagreements of Fr.
Arguments defending both Humphreys and Fox regarding their long-standing disagreements over the design of the frigates carried on for years.
During the build up to the lockout, the two sides spent months trying to iron out long-standing disagreements over free agency and arbitration.
"We believe there was a long-standing disagreement between the youth and some of the people in the building," Chief Borelli said.
There is long-standing disagreement about whether y'all can have primarily singular reference.