Mr. Summers left this evening for Malaysia, for a long-scheduled meeting of Asian finance ministers.
The very man who had said he would have to skip a Monday hearing on the Diallo affair because of what an aide called "important, long-scheduled meetings"?
"He has several important long-scheduled meetings," Mr. Kelleher said, refusing to say with whom the Commissioner planned to meet.
In Racine, he arrived at the long-scheduled meeting of the Kiwanis Club, but the audience consisted of 10 senior citizens in a church basement.
Ellie, Drumlin, and Valerian arrived for a routine and long-scheduled meeting on the now wholly redundant worldwide monitoring of the signal from Vega.
The leaders of Europe gathered here today in a long-scheduled meeting to advance the cause of unity.
The Federal Reserve's chief policy-making body also held a long-scheduled meeting today to set monetary goals for coming weeks.
Officials of oil-consuming nations are gathering in Paris for a long-scheduled meeting on Friday of the International Energy Agency.
(A spokeswoman said the Chancellor had been late because of a long-scheduled meeting.)