Anyway, we start gearing up for more long-range missions.
"Second, and more important, he seems to have a long-range mission to bring down the Empire."
However the scarcity of SM.82s hampered further long-range missions, though some actions were carried out.
As German bombers had not been designed for long-range strategic missions, they lacked sufficient defenses.
Losses were so severe that long-range missions were called off.
Tone was designed for long-range scouting missions and had a large seaplane capacity.
Its investment in the shuttles had been at the expense of nearly all else, leaving the agency with a transportation system but no long-range mission.
In early 1942, plans for a number of different long-range special missions were made.
The MiG-31 was sought after for a variety of long-range missions.
Now, the big Sikorski was used for other purposes, mainly long-range heavy-lift missions.