As of now, Start 1 would reduce the existing long-range nuclear forces of both sides by about a third.
The electromagnetic force and the gravitational force are the only two long-range forces.
It is interesting to contrast gravitation with the other long-range force of nature - electromagnetism.
The diffuse layer serves as the long-range force for stabilization of the particles.
It acted as a long-range repulsive force to counterbalance gravity.
This is true in cases of high dimensionality, or when the Hamiltonian includes long-range forces.
But the gravitational field is a long-range force.
Multiple time scale methods have also been developed, which allow for extended times between updates of slower long-range forces.
And the immediate gain would be the first deep cuts in long-range nuclear forces.
The ultimate prize is well worth the strain: an agreement that cuts long-range nuclear forces nearly in half.