He lures Lyle back with a promise that if they earn enough money, he will take him to find his long-lost mother.
They have many adventures as they elude the police and search for Sebastian's long-lost mother.
She eventually turns out to be Caroline's long-lost mother.
One day he receives a visit from a strange, middle-aged woman claiming she is his long-lost mother.
The Chipmunks find their long-lost mother after days of searching.
It is eventually revealed that she is Joseph's long-lost mother, despite her youthful appearance.
In the final volume of the manga series, she is revealed to be Lili's long-lost mother.
Scott, who has nothing better to do at the moment, agrees to help Mike search for his long-lost mother, last heard from somewhere in Idaho.
How is the young man going to find his long-lost mother and what has she been up to?
In this story, a lonely robot boy who experiences real love finds his long-lost mother at the end, only to turn around and lose her.