It is a long-lived species and has been recorded as surviving for 15 years.
They are a long-lived species and a pair will not lay eggs every year.
They are a long-lived species and are still capable of breeding when 20 years old or more.
Bream are a long-lived species and a six or seven pound fish is likely to be an elderly one.
Glochidion ferdinandi is a long-lived species which may live for 60 years or more.
It may then take decades for a long-lived species like trout to die out completely.
This is a long-lived species, with a maximum age of 14 years having been recorded.
Stripers are a long-lived species, with a few reaching age 30.
"I begin to see why fraal are such a long-lived species," he said.
Although there are some long-lived species, most squids live for only one or two years.