The Ashy Storm Petrel is a long-lived bird; a banded individual has lived at least 31 years.
Terns are generally long-lived birds, with individuals typically returning for 7-10 breeding seasons.
It is a long-lived bird, having been recorded living for 17 years.
These life histories provide important information on the population ecology of long-lived birds.
Arctic Terns are long-lived birds, with many reaching thirty years of age.
Arctic Terns are long-lived birds that spend considerable time raising only a few young, and are thus said to be K-selected.
Cranes are long-lived birds in the wild, they are monogamous, they have a couple of kids a year.
"Flamingos are long-lived birds that have survived for 50 years in zoos," Dr. Conway said.
Only fully mature males among these long-lived birds build bowers likely to attract females.
Like many large parrots, the African Grey is a long-lived bird.