A. There's no need to despair, because there are perennials with long-lasting flowers that tolerate various degrees of shade.
The showy and long-lasting flowers appear between March and December.
These abundant and long-lasting flowers will remain in bloom from July through September.
At $3.50 a bunch these long-lasting flowers have an understandable appeal, and they seem poised for a comeback.
The long-lasting, mid-spring flower opens with a golden flush which becomes milk white.
Crape myrtles are chiefly known for their colorful and long-lasting flowers.
Be sure to pull the long-lasting flowers off the plant after they fade.
Its long-lasting flowers, on stalks nearly two feet tall, bloom through early summer in white or rose to pale lilac, but not blue.
The long-lasting flowers are racemose and grow from the leaf axils.
An American native, it bears clusters of long-lasting pale purple, bell-shaped flowers on 14-inch high stems in summer.