Nevertheless, there were long-lasting benefits.
EUROPEANS are famous for trying to take the sting out of unemployment, with generous and long-lasting jobless benefits.
Whether this had produced, or would produce, any long-lasting benefits was the question.
Academic research has shown that large, long-lasting weekly jobless benefits can prolong unemployment.
In 2007, he formed a specialist sports company, Robson Lloyd Consultancy Ltd, with an aim to build community sports academies with long-lasting benefits for small Football clubs.
According to recent research, such programs can produce large, long-lasting benefits for disadvantaged children - cutting drug use and school absences by 45 percent or more.
The idea that an avalanche of vitamins, minerals, and laxatives taken over a 2 to 7 day period can have a long-lasting benefit for the body is also a marketing myth.
Achieving real and long-lasting benefits to patients is a key objective of pharmaceutical policy.
While your focus on government process is important, the more long-lasting benefits of a convention come from making it a conversation about our values, rights, responsibilities and communities.
Seeking sponsorship is hard work yet the right investment of time and planning could help to set up an opportunity which will have long-lasting benefits to your artistic career and reputation.