The policy contradicted and undermined long-held, often-articulated, widely-supported public policies in the United States.
Such a position is at odds with Moscow's long-held policy that as a superpower nation it will honor all its financial commitments.
Far from seeking to gain political advantage, all that my Group have tried to do is to continue with a long-held policy on disability.
In addition, the city is reversing its long-held policy of taking over buildings from delinquent landlords.
In rejecting the 1994 application, Federal officials cited a long-held policy of denying support to any broadcaster airing sectarian religious programming.
Carter initially departed from the long-held policy of containment toward the Soviet Union.
Reversing a long-held policy, the ruling Communist Party said that party members would be permitted to engage in private enterprise.
We also supported references to independent impact assessments in relation to legislation, a long-held policy of Conservative MEPs.
Upon winning, he announced his willingness to talk with them, breaking with a long-held policy against negotiating with them.
Mr. Khatami reiterated the long-held Iranian policy that demands a comprehensive peace for the Palestinians.