It also has a long-established reputation as a staunch supporter of conservative Catholic parliamentarians.
SY is one of the most well-respected member in the construction business; his company having a long-established solid reputation.
Preston Manor has a long-established reputation as a site of paranormal activity, and it has been described as one of Britain's most haunted houses.
This explosion constituted a rare exception to Monaco's long-established reputation for safety and absence of violence.
Mr. Morgenthau, who has a long-established reputation for fierce independence, has frequently investigated both banking matters and cases involving off-shore financial maneuvers.
Despite Japan's ability to compete on price, its consumer goods manufacturers suffered from a long-established reputation of poor quality.
He has a long-established reputation as a remarkable conductor and one of the nation's most renowned violists.
"The scramble to lock up the Jewish vote in Canada meant selling out our widely admired and long-established reputation for fairness and justice", Fowler said.
Sometimes, however, new behaviors are not enough to change long-established reputations.
It greatly aided what Dunham describes as "Bernoulli's long-established reputation".