In July Virginia Woolf, with her husband Leonard, paid the long-awaited visit which she describes so vividly in her diary.
The US president, making his long-awaited visit to Australia, warned that Europe's leaders must do more to save the single currency.
The action also comes only days before the Soviet Union's Foreign Minister, Eduard A. Shevardnadze, arrives here for a long-awaited visit.
In 1985 we finally were able to arrange the long-awaited visit.
This was a long-awaited sentimental visit.
And just weeks ago, Mr. Kim made the long-awaited visit to China.
A reception will be held on Capitol Hill to mark General Yershov's long-awaited visit and his daughter's recent naturalization.
Soon after, the Kremlin gave its approval to a long-awaited visit to West Germany by the East German leader, Erich Honecker.
This is to be Mr. Clinton's final stop on a long-awaited visit to southern Asia.
She could get to the hotel this afternoon, spend Tuesday shopping and then, on Tuesday night, pay her long-awaited visit to Giancarlo Gianni.