But I can also see him sniggering a bit at the general population's discovering just what a marvelous feat he accomplished in that long-ago summer.
She had to reach up quite a bit, for as Jareth had predicted that long-ago summer, Taya's head barely came to the center of his chest.
She hadn't wiggled, hadn't teased and hadn't shown him an inch of skin, not like she had that long-ago summer.
He remembered standing on the rock, thinking of that long-ago summer in Florida, of the warm waters.
Young Temba got pregnant that long-ago summer in what would become Canada.
But the things they learned to cook in those long-ago summers show up on my table today.
Waiting, I remembered a long-ago summer spent on Jinx.
Today all evidence of the great white shark of that long-ago summer is gone.
These included the shoebox full of photos taken of shadowy Alice Havilland one long-ago summer.