Were the buildings named for relatives of the owners, testimony to a long-ago love for a mother or wife or daughter?
Mr. Longdon attends one of their social functions and is amazed at how much Nanda resembles her grandmother, his long-ago love who married another man.
In "Leaves," which is set to Dvorak chamber music, a woman remembers a long-ago love.
The next two cards determine the locations of Strahd and the Tome of Strahd, a book that details Strahd's long-ago unrequited love.
Few of them knew the full story of their captain's long-ago elven love, but there was not one among them who hadn't lost someone to the sea.
In the song, the singer is reminiscing about a long-ago young love that happened somewhere in the "hills of the old Cumberland."
By nightfall the same day, a three-foot square of rust-colored primer was all that was left of a shy boy's long-ago love.
I continued my journey, happily conjuring up a long-ago bittersweet love between the cheery train conductor and sweet Claire Fallon.
Did he know of her long-ago love for the robot Jander?
Bob Harvey, a mechanic who is 66 and twice divorced, rose from the table and read his latest poem, an ode to a long-ago love.