Although not an official interchange a footpath to shorten the walk between the stations was planned but has not yet been built due to a long legal wrangle.
After a long wrangle, Robert de Stafford agreed to hand over the heiress to the de Standons.
Mr Nyers was speaking shortly after a long procedural wrangle on the method of electing the new leadership.
The cost of airbags has been a matter of controversy during the long wrangle over whether the Government should require their usage.
Once Dr. Root, a prominent member, and Clemens had a long wrangle over painting a house, in which they impersonated two German neighbors.
The delay resulted from a long wrangle with Warner Brothers Records.
How could she be blamed for wanting the spirit of the yearfast and its rituals to be unmarred by the long wrangle between Miraval and Talair?
After a long wrangle about what he considered minor matters, he had left the Prosecutor's office.
The Founders' powers had emerged in the long wrangle with GLEB.
Nevertheless, he had at last emerged victorious from their long wrangle, and that was all that mattered for the moment.