He hadn't thought of his Father for a long while.
According to information from the Group, both had been on the way for a long while.
She looked at me for a long while, her face cold as always.
Still nothing happened, at least not for a long while.
He looked happy, more so than she could remember in a long while.
We have had no word of you in a long while.
She does nothing for a long while, trying to think.
Things can go on as they have for a long while.
He was the only one who'd been kind to me for a long while.
But remember, most of these people have been dead for a long while.
A long while passes by and Six discovers that she has the power to turn invisible.
After what seemed a long while Timmy growled, and the two boys sat up straight.
After a long while the man who had operated the polygraph returned.
There was a long while there we didn't have nobody from the South.
After a long while the window rectangle began to lighten.
And once in a long while one would.
Tiger was a hell of a long while coming!
In her bunk, this time, for a long while she couldn't sleep.
For a long while the life of the outlaws went well to their liking.
After a long while Alan opened the door a crack.