There was blood spattered on her woolen gown, which was cut in the Tiberian manner, a long shawl worn over it.
She had no coat, no wrap, nothing on her head, but she held in her hand a long shawl.
A mysterious woman with a long shawl keeps veiling her face with it as suitors come to court her.
Women cooing in Quechua tent little ones beneath long black shawls, and we crane our necks to peek inside their secret world.
A long shawl covered her blouse and the top of her skirt.
A large figure wrapped in a tallith - a long fringed religious shawl - and tephillin - known by the clumsy English word 'phylacteries.'
This is a long rectangular shawl used both as a wrap and as a means to carry children or heavy objects tied onto the body.
The palla was the long, simple shawl, a typical article of clothing for Roman women.
The serape or sarape is a long blanket-like shawl, often brightly colored and fringed at the ends, worn in Mexico, especially by men.
Four sailors were bundling Liane out the door, wrapped in a long shawl they must have brought for the purpose.