Shares of the Control Data Corporation, the Minneapolis-based computer concern long rumored to be a takeover target, jumped yesterday on rumors that Canada's Belzberg family owns a small stake and is considering further moves.
Although the announcement was qualified, "what appears to be evidence of archaeological ruins in an area long rumored to contain the lost of Ciudad Blanca", the popular press quickly declared the city had been found.
Perhaps that is why Citibank and Chase Manhattan, long rumored as respective suitors for the failed First Korea Bank and Seoul Bank, have put any discussions on hold for now.
There is word within team circles that the Nets, long rumored on the trading block, are finally about to be sold.
They said the Kuwaiti minister's assertion that Kuwaiti oilfields have been mined - an Iraqi step long rumored - is likely to increase pessimism and cause prices to rise further.
I'd fallen under the spell of the Alphans' Stupefying Ray, long rumored but never actually used in the long war.
Schwartz, a prominent horse owner and breeder, also said he would not favor prolonging the Saratoga meeting to eight weeks, a step long rumored to be planned for the year 2002.
After stumbling upon a clue in the public library, Anthony searches for the treasure long rumored to have been hidden by a wealthy, eccentric citizen of their small town.
Nelson was a hard-shelled news veteran in her late middle years, long rumored to be old L.H.'s mistress.