The Israeli Government has long pressed for the release of the Ethiopian Jews.
The army command long pressed for a local 'home guard' such as had been the rule in Malaya, Kenya and other terrorist situations.
This industry is governed by an obscure series of regulations that its lobbyists have long pressed Congress to overhaul.
Mr. Siegel has long pressed for all-civilian police complaint review boards.
The black cloak was draped over his shoulders, nearly covering his neatly pressed long gray robe.
Survivors' groups have long pressed the state to include that information in the registry, to no avail.
Independent poverty-relief organizations have long pressed the bank and the fund to write off some of their debts to poor nations.
Mr. Giuliani has long pressed for tax cuts as Mayor.
Mr. Zedillo has long pressed his party to follow the steps of rival groups by beginning to select its leader by a membership vote.
Britain, France and others have long pressed Washington to send ground troops to assist them, a step that the Clinton Administration has avoided.