Congress has long preferred outside fees to the political heat a pay raise might bring.
It sounds like the kind of company that investors, who have long preferred pure-play stocks to conglomerates, would hate.
Health officials have long preferred to rely on infected people to behave responsibly rather than resort to compulsory orders.
That may well be true, but copyright holders have long preferred the term, with its suggestions of theft, destruction, and violence.
Adelson has long preferred a low profile in many of his political activities.
Humans have long preferred topsoil to the subterranean, but some designers are looking to change that.
In corporate Japan, companies have long preferred to run with the pack.
He has long preferred to leave running the country to the prime minister and cabinet, focusing instead on foreign policy.
Although 86 percent of vacations are taken by car, business travelers have long preferred to fly.
He has long preferred to leave the public relations to his more charismatic doubles partner, John Newcombe.