Loneliness and sleep problems have long plagued me, beginning at age 7 when my family moved twice within one year.
But it was understandable among a people long plagued by massive political corruption and instability.
But accusations of ineptitude have long plagued the immigration agency.
It also attacked the revolving door phenomenon that has long plagued government.
Indoor ponds could also help eliminate some of the environmental problems that have long plagued the industry, experts say.
High prices and low quality have long plagued grocery shoppers in Harlem.
They will be plagued all winter long with damp logs and dull fires.
The question has long plagued sociologists and others who study the family.
How to deal with the children of parents who are in prison is a problem that has long plagued corrections officials and social service workers.
The practice has long plagued some of the best-known fish stocks.