It's outside any major gravity well, and you can use low-acceleration barges on long declining orbits.
The planet has one of the longest orbits currently known for an extrasolar planet.
Four hours later, they recovered her quarterdeck section from the aphelion of a long elliptic orbit.
It was on the second lap of its long, narrow elliptical orbit.
Tombstone said nothing as he took up the Tomcat's patrol zone and throttled back for a long orbit.
It also has a long eccentric orbit around its star, which is a red dwarf, Lalande 21185.
More than adequate for this tiny assignment, they focused their rage on a single body that was moving overhead in a long lazy orbit.
He's in a long orbit now, visits the main planet once every couple of hundred years.
They were injecting themselves into a long cometary orbit.
Normally, in a long orbit like this, the captain would send scientific teams to the planet's surface, and nonessential personnel could take recreational leave.