Pediatric dermatologists have long objected to perfumed cosmetics for children.
McEnroe has long objected to courtside microphones because he believes they are used to eavesdrop on his discussions with the officials.
Private companies have long objected that government-owned networks represent unfair competition.
Jewish groups, which have long objected to laws and employer practices that interfere with their observance of the Sabbath, welcomed the decision.
Opposition Islamist parties have long objected to meddling by the state in religious practice.
Prominent blacks have long objected to what they say are close ties between Israel and the Government of South Africa.
Mr. Reagan has long objected to a measure requiring companies to notify workers 60 days in advance of any plant closing or major layoff.
Still, some religious groups and social conservatives have long objected to aggressive condom promotion by government agencies, arguing that it promotes promiscuity.
Japan has long objected to those treaty rights.
But many Massachusetts politicians of both parties have long objected to the plan.