In a long memorandum to Hitler he called the new order "the cheapest sea victory England ever won".
In a long memorandum to the board, Mr. Mattia had described numerous management practices as financially irresponsible and potentially illegal.
Gorsky sent a long memorandum to Moscow discussing the best way to kill Bentley.
One afternoon he sat studying a long memorandum from the legal department - a summary, so it said, of Rudbek & Assocs.
In December, MacDonald's private secretary Herbert Usher wrote a long memorandum asking key questions about what type of ongoing organisation was needed.
But he added that Dr. Dean did not write long memorandums and certainly nothing blistering.
The day after Hitler's meeting with the generals, on October 11, Leeb composed a long memorandum himself, which he sent to Brauchitsch and other generals.
At Nuremberg he drew up a long memorandum about events in September 1938, which was made available to this writer.
Professor Davids prepared a long memorandum for the Senator, critiquing the manuscript's form, organization and approach, the letter says, and all his overall recommendations were followed.
In 1911 he circulated a long memorandum postulating a full-scale war and predicting its early course with amazing prescience.