"The Chinese are producers now and they will become mass market consumers, but only after a long lag," he said.
After a long historical lag, restaurants are catching up to the rest of the culture.
Because there is often a long lag between disturbance and disappearance, the loss now seems likely to continue even without further development around the parks.
Yet there had also been a long lag before financial markets began to apply many of the points these academics made.
In fact, the economy has changed, and there probably is a longer lag before the Fed can have a major impact.
There was undoubtedly a long lag between making heat and getting lift.
Today's decision comes an additional five months later, an unusually long lag.
American farm trade, after a long lag, has begun to show some benefits from the decline.
When you've got a long lag like that, you just try to get it within two feet of the cup.
After a long lag since Aruba split first in 1986, the others are doing that now.