The magazine, long identified with baby boomers, has struggled to stay relevant to a younger audience.
Safety experts have long identified ground operations as a major area of concern.
Perhaps most important, he insisted that the Jesuit order, long identified with work among social and political elites, increase its activities among the poor.
Both Ray and Saliers have long identified themselves as lesbians.
Tschumi has long identified himself as an architect of "events."
The public has long identified him as an opponent of abortion.
Bedford-Stuyvesant, long identified as black American, had 16,200 residents who were born abroad, about 28 percent.
In tandem with their musical and commercial success, the band were long identified with environmental causes.
And never mind that the public has long identified big business as a core Republican constituency.
All the above-mentioned, of course, were heavyweight champions, the fighters with whom fans have long identified.