What is the longest filibuster recorded in Canadian history by a single speaker?
Set record for the longest one-man Congressional filibuster (1957)
He did not sit for 24 hours 18 minutes, making it the longest filibuster to this day.
Which senator conducted the longest filibuster in history?
This was the longest filibuster since the 1999 Reform Party of Canada filibuster, on native treaty issues in British Columbia.
Thurmond's aforementioned stall holds the record for the longest filibuster in U.S. Senate history at 24 hours, 18 minutes.
He holds the record for the longest filibuster in American history (24 hours, 13 minutes), against a civil rights bill, of course.
Filled with colorful stories and recipes for potlikkers, the Louisiana senator's speech remains one of the longest filibusters in Senate history.
Widely publicized activities continued in the ensuing months, as Congress saw the longest filibuster against a civil rights bill in its history.
He conducted the longest filibuster in Senate history in a vain attempt to stop a civil-rights bill (one of many civil-rights laws he opposed).