Whitney watched him pad away down the hall, his long coattails flapping, and felt like the sun had just set on her happiness.
Coble was likely the beneficiary of long coattails from Ronald Reagan, who carried the district by a nearly 2-to-1 margin.
And, says Mr. Burnside, the cult title will have long coattails.
It turned on a heel to send its long coattails furling.
Despite his own strong performance, Mr. da Silva was proving not to have particularly long coattails.
After producing four gold fish bowls, he would walk into the audience and invited the spectators to inspect his arms and his long coattails.
For example, Mr. Bush clearly did not have long coattails in New Jersey.
People were dressed up tonight, in gowns and in black suits with long coattails.
Mr. Goldhanger performed this office with one of his long coattails.
Traditionally, presidential candidates have had long coattails in this largely rural state.