Both acknowledged that the topics did not include most of the issues that have long bedeviled their relations, including Cyprus and conflicts over the Aegean.
Both men are expected to return to the province in the weeks to come to press for a resolution to the arms issue, which has long bedeviled the push for peace.
The cases, designed by Daniel Kershaw, can exhibit works that have long bedeviled museums: fragile negatives, light-sensitive prints and especially daguerreotypes.
The Mayor said nothing new on issues that have long bedeviled him, such as education, housing and unemployment.
The debate on how to turn out quality teachers has long bedeviled educators.
Verification, which has long bedeviled chemical arms control, still poses problems.
The throw-weight, or weight of the payload a missile can carry, has long bedeviled arms control negotiators.
Making their predicament worse is a service shortfall that has long bedeviled appliance owners of every geographic region and price range.
Mr. Yeltsin also railed against crime and corruption, especially in the huge bureaucracy that has long bedeviled Russia.
Hostage policy has long bedeviled American policy makers.