Public information numbers may be automated and agencies tend to have a long backlog of requests for help.
This led to long backlogs of people trying to emigrate from Western Hemisphere countries into the United States.
The plan would also shut out hundreds of thousands of people who have applied for family visas under current rules and are patiently waiting because of long backlogs.
And long backlogs create intolerable pressure on the already overburdened jails for defendants awaiting trial, and impose a harsh cost on people not yet convicted of anything.
However, according to the Wall Street Journal, the OCR has a long backlog and ignores most complaints.
(A woman filed her application for citizenship three months too early and, by the time she was told to file again, found herself at the end of a long backlog.)
They went to Pavel on a few occasions, threatening him with severe consequences if he would not share with them his long backlog of orders.
Since its creation, the board has been troubled by chronic staffing shortages and a long backlog of incomplete investigations.
Mr. O'Keefe said this was due to a long backlog at the laboratory, which he said was caused by a lack of resources.
He had already lost two years of valuable time since completing A/L due to the long backlog in entering universities those days.