Suffocatingly sandwiched somewhere between those two stories is Ryan Zimmerman, the third baseman long acknowledged as the team's positional cornerstone.
That domestic life more often than not fails to provide those things begins to seem beside the point - for haven't we long acknowledged that nothing could?
He has long acknowledged the power of his drug addiction.
(Henry W. Shoemaker, however, acknowledged not long after writing the story in 1903 that he had made the whole thing up.)
He long acknowledged the importance of Spanish art and Iberian sculpture as influences on the painting.
But the disk also plays to a fact of life long acknowledged on videotape: children play videos over and over, especially their favorite parts.
But now the potential risk from production of the batteries, long quietly acknowledged, is drawing more careful scrutiny from scientists, and their findings are alarming.
Mr. Haynes, long acknowledged as "the world's greatest dribbler," and the other Magicians have given her the ball often.
The president knew that was not the case, as he acknowledged long after the invasion.
That is a fact long acknowledged by the church.