Even Johnson, whose imagery generally inclines to the starkly rural (storms, lonesome roads, welcoming kitchens) could describe a woman as having "Elgin movements."
The video cuts between footage of the pair walking down the "long, lonesome road" and the encounter with the demon played by Dave Grohl.
It's a lonesome road is running below to Greenane, and a woman would never know the things might happen her and she walking single in a lonesome place.
Thank God that station was just sitting there by its lonesome on a country road, or I couldn't have done it.
Ah, it's a dark and lonesome road he'll have to travel, he has so much of me in him.
"Ain't no altars on this long and lonesome road."
Immediately I stood again in the lonesome 91 road, no more a sinless child, but a man of blood, whose tears were falling fast over the face of his dead enemy.
"Haven't you ever walked along a lonesome road at night and passed by a hot place?"
The butterfly swaggered before her eyes, singing, "One, two, three o'lairy," as he whirled; chanting, "Not, I'll not, carrion comfort, look down that lonesome road.
The lonesome road did that.