Jonathan Zarate, the 18-year-old who is accused of killing and mutilating his next-door neighbor, was a hard, lonely teenager with a short fuse, his classmates said.
He is a lonely teenager who loves reading and has a passion for arts in general.
The book concerns lonely teenager Jilly Farina and her relationship with Millroy.
The two men - Bradford a lonely and intellectual teenager and Brewster a settled older family man - walked together and undoubtedly learned each other's minds and characters.
Sara Wexler is lonely teenager who attempts to commit suicide by running in front of a car.
He later appeared as a lonely teenager, Sterling North, in the 1969 Disney film, Rascal, with Steve Forrest.
It focuses on an unlikely friendship between Monroe and a lonely teenager that develops while Monroe is filming "River of No Return" in the early 1950's.
The character most overburdened is Josh (Michael Goduti), the smart, lonely teenager who was Kevin's client before the beating.
They burst into the room, pulled two lonely teenagers apart and kept them separate forever.
I was a very lonely teenager.