They spend the night in a barn, but Eileen's attempt to find help eventually leads her to shoot dead a lonely and deranged farmer (Philip Locke).
Although the eastern image of farm life in the prairies emphasized the isolation of the lonely farmer and farm wife, supposedly with few neighbors within range.
A photographer and a lonely farmer's wife share new visions while taking pictures of old bridges in Iowa.
Apparently, there were a lot of lonely farmers.
In his first film role, Sam Shepard broods charismatically as a rich, lonely farmer whose fate becomes intertwined with those of three migrant workers from Chicago.
Noontime meals in the fields, informal studies of haymakers and their implements, and the dignity of the lonely farmer performing chores in winter became prime subjects.
It's a tragi-comic work, which charts the progress of a lonely farmer in his attempts to find a wife.
They are befriended by a lonely farmer, Jack Bodell (Perry Mallette), who offers them a place to stay.
A photographer and a lonely farmer's wife in Iowa.
An isolated and lonely farmer in rural Mississippi takes in a pregnant drifter who has been abandoned by the father of her child.