The frozen reservoirs up here resemble the cold, icy, lonely expanses of home, where ice fishing is a way of life.
By the time Randolph died, George was a rock rat, plying the dark and lonely expanse of the Belt in search of a fortune.
And how people could be driven close to madness by the incessant wind and lonely expanse.
No fool would wait for travelers along this lonely expanse of moor.
He spurred his mount quickly forward and the plateau and forest faded away to leave a vast and lonely expanse of flat, grey stone.
She climbed up into the four-poster bed, but even that lonely expanse of over'soft mattress and her unfamiliar surroundings did not keep her too long from sleep.
Apparently, even in the spring, these plains were never very green, and little life existed in the lonely expanse of country beyond Paranor.
The casino sat out on a lonely expanse of prairie, isolated except for a hotel attached at one side.
And the Hole right there, beside him in the lonely queen-size expanse of his bed.
But now - the sudden vast, lonely expanse of a deserted public beach at dusk came as a terrible visitation upon her.