And he strode forth to drive his burro out into the lonely, melancholy desert night.
An hour later, there on the lonely desert, they again sat down to Ah Kim's cooking.
What desperate game was afoot here on Madden's ranch, far out on the lonely desert?
The desert, the broad lonely desert, that has from time immemorial cast its weird spell on the souls of men.
There before them on the lonely desert, partly buried in the drifting sand, stood the remnant of a trolley-car.
His grief is lost to the headlines and his tears dry up in his lonely desert.
His love of wild things, of trees, flowers, of the lonely desert and the enchanted hills.
And soon there they all were, travelling over the lonely brown desert to find the little Child whose house wore a star above its chimney.
This same lonely desert was the last known home of the Manson family.
They are also very capable foragers, and can find food and water in the loneliest desert.