When Tom Daschle was South Dakota's lone congressman back in 1981, he, too, wound up voting for the Reagan tax cut!
Vermont's lone congressman who has introduced a bill that would more than double the amount of funding for the homeless in less populated states visited a shelter Friday to tout the legislation.
Mr. Cheney, who has not had to debate in a dozen years, when he last ran for re-election as Wyoming's lone congressman, spent a long weekend here getting himself ready.
Such tactics can easily backfire, however, if Mrs. Clinton can be accused of ginning up the mighty White House machine in the interest of sacrificing a lone congressman to her ambition.
Then there's $230 million or so for "Don Young's Way," a bridge between Anchorage and a swampy, undeveloped port, which is named for the man who got us the money, Alaska's lone congressman.
Representative Don Young, Alaska's lone congressman, flew home happy on Friday for the August recess.
Tagum National Trade School owed its emergence from the Hon. Lorenzo P. Sarmiento, who was the lone congressman from Davao del Norte in 1972.
"Industrial developers are looking elsewhere," said Representative James E. Clyburn, the lone black congressman in South Carolina's six-person delegation, whose district includes many of the poorest and most heavily African-American counties.
He skips the bit about how he had been the lone congressman from Wyoming - "It was a small delegation, but it was quality," which he has told at least 67 times as vice president.
The Gore campaign was quick to note that when Mr. Cheney served as Wyoming's lone congressman, he voted several times against financing for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which provides relief to disaster sites like Xenia.