The protagonists of Jarmusch's films are usually lone adventurers.
He is not part of a dynasty, but only a lone adventurer.
The Weintraub productions from 1959 on dropped the character of Jane and portrayed Tarzan as a lone adventurer.
He had used up many days of life with them as they appeared, first one, then another lone adventurer, then a group of three.
The only exception to their long isolation from other cultural groups came due to the actions of a lone adventurer, unnamed in the essay.
You play as a lone adventurer on a quest to stop a powerful evil from consuming the land.
The game allows you to create dungeons based in an underground labyrinth, and then venture into them with your lone adventurer, searching for a number of turquoise rings.
He decided to drop the character of Jane and portray Tarzan as an well-spoken lone adventurer.
He was only a lone adventurer.
He refused, saying that such were not necessary to stop a lone adventurer, and that he could not risk letting such as us use them.