Crowley based at Ulithi from 21 November 1944, joining a logistics group supporting the fast carrier task forces.
Moving forward to the base at Eniwetok soon thereafter, she continued to protect the logistics group during the assault on Saipan in June.
Only the negotiators and part of the logistics group (not including drivers) are exempted.
On 8 August, she resumed duty with the logistics group for five days.
For a little more than ten months, Swearer contributed to America's war effort in the Pacific by shepherding the logistics groups which supported the fighting.
There are four logistics groups in the United States Marine Corps:
The Chechens had patrols and logistics groups moving all through the area so even flying in would be tough.
Horton was removed as commander of the Navy's logistics group in Singapore.
From 20-22 July, Shangri-La joined the logistics group for fuel, replacement aircraft, and mail.
Dewey put to sea 30 September 1944 to join the logistics group for the 3rd Fleet on 10 October.