Marine One is sometimes the preferred alternative to motorcades, which can be expensive and logistically difficult.
Minority students are often widely scattered across remote areas, making it logistically difficult to provide classes even when a teacher is available.
But an agency official who spoke on the condition of anonymity said this had proved to be an expensive and logistically difficult solution.
Licensing tracks for a Best Of compilation was always going to be logistically difficult.
It became logistically difficult for students to view the campus network.
Although return to Russia had become a possibility, the war made it logistically difficult.
Pinpointing the edges of a particular species' range can be logistically difficult.
"It's good because you can drive traffic like that, but it's difficult logistically."
But opponents of any changes in the current structure insist that it would be too costly and logistically difficult to move to new frequencies.
This idea, however, proved financially and logistically difficult to achieve.