The classified nature and sprawling logistical and technical demands of this work created large, multi-purpose facilities that became the nation's first national laboratories.
Their military effectiveness turned out to be out of all proportion to their overwhelming logistical demands and financial costs.
The logistical demands of the surrender were formidable.
This necessitated a fast increase in American surface shipping to meet the logistical demand placed upon it.
The logistical demands on the effort, which spanned the entire Gulf coast-a region of varied geography and political culture-were immense.
If Canada were to meet the logistical and commercial demands of the organisers, ought they not to be seriously considered?
Aaron Sorkin originally planned to have such flashbacks as a major part of the entire season, but budget and logistical demands prevented this.
But until the logistical demands became daunting, aides said that Mr. Quayle saw the 1996 campaign as his best shot for national office.
He has also tried to create a mature Ives orchestral piece that does not make extreme logistical demands.
Frazier was talking about the logistical demands, not the recognition.