The objective was to improve customer service and, at the same time, cut logistical costs related to various business processes.
Cross-registration gives students access to a wider variety of subject matter at a certain logistical cost: travel time, inconsistent academic calendars, etc.
Companies are already reporting lowered logistical costs due to the increased work hours that a hydrogen-powered forklift can provide when compared to battery-powered forklifts.
Improve vehicle fuel mileage efficiency, reduce wear and tear on vehicles, and reduce logistical costs.
The pharmaceutical distributor covered the logistical costs for the distribution of the thermometers.
Higher transportation and logistical costs - including diesel fuel, rail costs and barge rates - are slicing prices producers get for a variety of commodities.
It may offer you important savings on your logistical costs, compared with shipping directly via the nearest port!
In addition the logistical costs of replacing nets should be added to the calculation.
While this method can simplify deployment, reduce logistical costs, and remove the need for a separate hardware token devices, there are numerous trade-offs.
Such a method can simplify deployment, reduce logistical costs and remove the need for separate token devices.