Both insist on a strong fact/value distinction, according to which there are pure ethical statements which are logically independent of all factual statements.
This article reverses Sampson's layout, so that premise and response can be seen together, since the premisses are logically independent, whereas the responses depend directly on the premisses.
They should be treated as place-holders for other propositions, rather than as representing a logically independent class of propositions of their own.
We can hardly deny that "existence predicates" carry a logically independent descriptive content without being prepared to say the same of "truth-predicates".
GUTs lead to compact U(1) gauge groups, so they explain charge quantization in a way that seems to be logically independent from magnetic monopoles.
My being adequately exercised is logically independent of your being so.
Whether or not a statement is normative is logically independent of whether it is verified, verifiable, or popularly held.
Together these results establish that the axiom of choice is logically independent of ZF.
Facts are logically independent of one another, as are states of affairs.
These virtual links use the Internet as transport but are logically independent from it, you can treat a virtual link more or less like a fiber or copper line.