Catapult C supports both algorithmic and control logic synthesis.
A soft core (also called softcore) is a digital circuit that can be wholly implemented using logic synthesis.
The applications for logic synthesis lay primarily in digital computer design.
In short, logic synthesis propelled HDL technology into a central role for digital design.
Two dimensional tables are commonly used in applications such as logic synthesis, placement and routing.
Over 97% of all flip-flops in the design were automatically clock-gated during logic synthesis.
Synopsys proceeded to pioneer the commercial application of logic synthesis.
In a few more years, back-ends were developed to perform logic synthesis.
In this flow, engineers manually (and often tediously) hand-edit the gate level netlist, instead of re-running logic synthesis.
The main steps of the design flow, which may be involved in this process, are logic synthesis, placement, clock-tree synthesis and routing.