First-order logic requires at least one additional rule of inference in order to obtain completeness.
These logics often require calculational devices quite distinct from propositional calculus.
Does logic require me to plead for the lives of the people who killed my son, my friend, my shipmates?
Rather, the matching logic only required a 90 percent name match, which produced "false positives" or partial matches of the data.
Almost nothing is simply true or false in the way that abstract logic requires.
The book's inner logic and unity, according to Howard, require that it should both begin and end with the word "time."
The very logic of perestroika requires that the Soviets solve their own problems in a comprehensive, organic way.
Informal logic, he says, requires detailed classification schemes to organize it, which in other disciplines is provided by the underlying theory.
The industrial logic of print requires volume production, which means that the models must appeal to a wide audience rather than to specialist modellers.
Nonetheless, many global warming experts say that history and logic require the United States to take the lead.