Note that there are two logic errors that people often make from this:
These may range from bugs to art glitches to logic errors and level bugs.
A. A runtime error, also known as a logic error, occurs when a program runs but does not do what it was intended to.
Consequently, more care should be taken by the programmer, when working with numeric expressions, to avoid logic errors.
A logic error produces unintended or undesired output or other behavior, although it may not immediately be recognized as such.
This example function in C to calculate the average of two numbers contains a logic error.
A logic error is a mistake in the algorithm used, which might result in problems with the output.
In Britain, students learned to discard such elementary logic errors while yet studying the trivium.
Early production TI-30 units (c. 1976) contained a logic error in their calculation of inverse tangents.
It was impossible therefore to multiply kilograms by ounces or commit similar logic errors.